Book Cover for Living in God’s Country
By Don Payne and Jan Newport
Living in God’s Country: Ellison Bay, Door County, WI traces the growth of Ellison Bay over the past 150 years. It was published in response to the demand for and interest in A Century in God’s Country, the out of print book from 1966. This book also acts in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Liberty Grove Historical Society in 2020 and is the first offering for LGHS Publishing, Copyright 2022.
While the text from A Century in God’s Country is made available to readers in this revised and expanded version, historically it moves in two directions from the original. Going backward to explore Ellison Bay’s Potawatomi origins prior to European settlement and moving forward to address the changes from the sixties to present day to include economic development, tourism, agriculture, and the arts.” The faces and lives of almost 700 individuals who have contributed to the history of Ellison Bay, Rowleys Bay, and Garrett Bay are found throughout. Readers new to this content will feel, in the character of the people of Door County, the love for and nurturing of the past in the many family histories contained within.
New family histories are told as well, tying the past to the present. For example, the log house belonging to Ellison Bay founder John Eliason came to be owned by Judy and Bert Scherb. It needed modernizing to include electricity and indoor plumbing. When attempting to move the one-story portion to install a two-story addition, it collapsed. What was revealed were the original cedar logs, one signed “Bernt Jorgeson Landricht 1856,” illustrating an act of pride by friends helping to build these pioneer homes.
Purchase Living in God’s Country online book order form here or by phone C.T. M-F, 9-5p at 920-680-1942. Please leave a message. A $5 shipping & handling charge will be added per book. Living in God’s Country is also available at most local businesses and libraries throughout Door County and at all LGHS sponsored events and museum openings.