Thunder Over the Door: Of Boats and Bays and Fir-Clad Bluffs by Robert Dickson Murray $15
This book tells the story of a lifelong love affair that began as a summer romance between a peninsula, a ship, and a small boy. Robert Dickson Murray arrived in Door County for the first time at the age of six, after sailing here from Chicago aboard the Goodrich steamer Carolina in the summer of 1912.
Available for purchase at most LGHS events.
Living in God’s Country: Ellison Bay, Door County, WI by LGHS Publishing $20
This book is the updated version of the long out of print “A Century in God’s Country” published in 1966.
‘Historically, it moves in two directions from the original book- going backwards to Ellison Bay Potawatomi origins and moving forward to address the changes from the “sixties” to the present day’. Don Payne
Purchase here Living in God’s Country online book order form or by phone C.T. M-F, 9-5p at 920-680-1942. Please add $5 for shipping & handling per book. Available at most local retailers & at most LGHS events.
Door County Fish Boil: History & Recipes, 4th edition, 1987- by Irene Newkirk. Drawings by Flora M. Langlois. $5
This revised edition contains detailed recipes for Door County’s Famous Fish Boil, Cabbage Slaw, Baked Beans, Rye Bread, Lemon Bread and Cherry Pie. It also details the evolution and history of how northern Door County became known as the home of the Fish Boil.
Available for purchase at most LGHS events.